a wise and trusted counselor or teacher.
an influential senior sponsor or supporter.
All the major books on leadership and about being successful points to the fact that you need to surround your self with like minded positive people. It also state that you need to seek a mentor who is very successful and compress your learning curve. I have been extremely blessed with two such person in my life.
Four years ago I was looking for a business opportunity. Its was the first Sunday in January after church service at 10:30 am. I received a called from a good friend of mine Mr. Garfield Greg about a business opportunity. That is when i met this dynamic gentleman, a family man, a man of God, a man of integrity Mr. Joseph Wilson. After sharing a hot cup of Organo Gold Mocha he explained the finer details of the coffee business, i was so impressed I went home could not sleep that night and signed up the very next day. That day Mr. Wilson indicated to me that he would love to mentor me because I had the attribute he was looking for in a protégé. Since then my life has never been the same. I became a student of Mr. Wilson
Organo Gold Blue Diamond Consultant Mr Joseph Wilson ( in Organo Gold Brown Suit) with my my team members
He has done exactly what he had promised me. "Dennis we are going to build a global coffee business together, I want you to find persons like yourself who is business minded and have a burning desire to create wealth. Find those person and I will also mentor them to be as successful as I am. See his message in the video below.
After six month in the business I met Mr. Edwin Haynes Blue Diamond Consultant, author " You have permission to succeed", Top MLM Income earner who is Mr. Joseph Wilson mentor! He greeted me with a big smile welcome me to the team and told me he has been hearing a lot about me. How blessed was I? Two of the top Direct Sales earner in the world mentoring me!
Organo Gold Blue Diamond consultant. Mr. Edwin Haynes 3rd from left with my team members.
We had a discussion which was centered around waging war on poverty and allowing people to have time freedom. See his message in the video link below!
When the country of New Zealand opened its door to Organo Gold business both these gentlemen flew there and spoke to my prospect. My business have never been the same! I have over 200+ person in that country in my team drinking my coffee and earning me money while I sleep ( New Zealand is 18 hrs ahead). This allowed me to visit my business partners in New Zealand during my last vacation
Getting final pointer in Las Vegas from My mentors Mr. Joseph Wilson left and Mr. Edwin Haynes right. Before embarking to New Zealand.
Me and my business partner in New Zealand
Wellington New Zealand.
If you are looking for a business opportunity to generate wealth, that will be around for a life time ( people will NEVER stop drinking coffee). If you are business minded and coach able we need to talk. We are embarking on wave 2 of Organo Gold and our drive to be a billion dollar company, we share our profits 50:50; that's US$500 MILLION available to distributors, how much of that amount do you want?
We are on the verge of a massive momentum's in Organo Gold. The time is Right Now! Facebook, Google and Apple business opportunity missed me there is no way this opportunity is missing me. If you want to be apart of this excellent coffee business which is bigger and better than Starbuck and wish to be mentor by the best in the industry then you need to contact me ASAP!
Dennis Grant
Organo Gold Distributor
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