My mother who will be 63 in September suffer from High Blood Pressure and has to take medication. We call her Miss Frequent Flyer since she spends more time away from Jamaica visiting family in other countries. She was in Jamaica recently for an extended period of time and while visiting her at the family home, I saw her monitoring her blood pressure by checking it and then taking her medication. I had some samples of Organo Gold Green Tea (She hates coffee) so I gave her a few. She called me a couple days after and told me how good the tea was and that it in fact gave her energy and that she did not feel so “tense” in her head. I knew deep down that the tea was working. So I send an entire box (25 sachets to her). I got a call the very first week if her drinking Organo Gold Green Tea. “Dennis, I think your product is working, I have notice my pressure is falling, as the reading are going down daily. I have now cut my blood pressure medication in half”. She was totally shock that for all this time I was telling her my product work she never believe me.
At the end of the month I visited her again and she took out her sheet where she records her blood pressure reading and there it was before my very eyes the result that my product works. She is now totally off blood pressure medication and her energy is now at optimal level. I was there looking at her smiling with that “ I told you look” then she said “ I am a bit scared cause I don’t want to be hook on your Green Tea” I said Mom which would you rather be addicted to Pharmaceutical medication or Natural Green tea, which you are already drinking every day anyway. She nods knowing the answer was pretty obvious, it’s always better to go green when it comes to your health.
Now let me make this clear neither I nor Organo Gold is making any medical claims here. I am simple relating what happen when my mother drinks Organo Gold Green tea. I am not saying that our Green Tea has cured her of high blood pressure, but what I know about the Ganoderma, is that it allows the body to function the way it was meant to work. So in Organo Gold we describe these event as amazing health coincidence!
Dennis Grant
"Change your coffee, Change your life"