By changing your thought you can become the master of your destiny and turn your dreams into realities. "Humanity surges with uncontrolled passion, is
Tumultuous with ungoverned grief, is blown about by anxiety and doubt. Only the
wise man, only he whose thoughts are controlled and purified, makes the winds
and the storms of the soul obey him." - James Allen
Taraji P Henson has
Appeared on the Big Screen not one, not two but ten years & counting yet she
has not be able to land a $ 1 Million Dollar Movie Role to date! Although she is
beautiful, brilliant and a balla TP is still fighting for that one stellar role.
Why is this of interest to you? I'm glad you asked. Just under two years ago a
young man living with his dad with just $ 1 Thousand Dollars to his name took
advantage of an International Coffee Business and now well let's just say he is
a documented MILLIONAIRE! That's not all whether he works or not he will earn a
6 figure Residual Income monthly.
What Taraji hasn't been able to do in
ten years on the big screen, David has been able to do in less than 2 years! You
do the math 10 years and still fighting or 24 months! The choice is yours, the
time is NOW! Get started not now but RIGHT NOW! Organo Gold will be the
most admired Company in the WORLD! Adopted from pressious coffee brown
The Organo Gold Compensation Plan is the most generous and fair plan in the Direct Sales industry. The philosophy behind Organo Gold’s Compensation Plan is simple, yet powerful. Encourage and promote the sale of Organo Gold products on a reoccurring basis. Each segment of the compensation plan encourages and enhances activities that affect another segment of the compensation plan. In other words, there should be a domino effect that benefits you, your growing team and the company
1. Retail:
The foundation of the Organo Gold opportunity is Retail Sales. Face to Face retail sales allows you to earn income by purchasing Organo Gold products at the wholesale price and then selling them at a retail price of no less than 50% mark-up on Organo Gold beverages. Earn from 50% - 500% by retailing Organo Gold products. Products ordered from the website will be marked up 50%. When retailing Organo Gold products to your customers, you can mark-up whatever percentage you choose as long as it exceeds 50%. All other products can be marked up at the distributor’s choice.
2. Fast Start Bonus:
Each time someone you have personally enrolled purchases an Organo Gold promotional Builder Pack, you receive a Fast Start Bonus. The following are examples of commissions that can be earned on the sale of Organo Gold Promotional Product Packs:
1. Bronze Pack $199 Fast Start $20 (150 CV) 2. Silver Pack $499 Fast Start $80 (400 CV) 4. Gold Pack $1295 Fast Start $150 (875 CV)
3. Dual Team Commissions:
Team Commissions are another cornerstone of the Organo Gold Compensation Plan. As a new distributor, your focus will be on developing a base of retail and preferred customers. You will also focus on helping your downline generate volume through sales.
The Team Bonus aspect of the plan is calculated through your placement tree, which has two teams, a right and a left. You will be compensated based on successfully building sales volume within your placement tree. Your sponsor (or anyone else in your placement tree) may place new reps in your placement tree. As your group begins to grow, you can earn Dual Team Commissions based on the Total Sales Volume generated in your lesser volume team. Only Promotional Builder Packs and First Orders are calculated for Dual Team Commissions.
Organo Gold will pay up to 10% matching volume on both right and left teams. This equivalent to 20% of the Lesser Team’s total CV or Commissionable Volume is based on the lesser team CV for Qualified Representatives.
As you build a solid distributor and customer base you can enjoy the benefits of reoccurring commissions from all reorders that occur in your organization.
Any Representative who has accumulated 200 PQV and maintains at least 50PQV monthly qualifies for 3 levels of Unilevel Commissions. Any Rep who fails to maintain at least 50 PQV will not be eligible for Unilevel Commissions and their organization will compress up to the next qualified upline for that effective month. This "compression" allows for maximum benefit of Unilevel Commission.
Sapphire: 4 levels of commissions Ruby: 5 levels of commissions Emerald: 6 Levels of commissions Diamond: 7 levels of commissions Blue Diamond: 8 levels of commissions Black Diamond and above: 9 levels of commissions
5. Matching Bonus:
Organo Gold will pay qualified representatives a bonus up to 20% of the monthly Unilevel earnings of Personally enrolled Organo Gold Representatives. The Matching Bonus encourages Representatives to mentor and help develop representatives deep in their organization, regardless if the representative is on the strong or weak side of their Dual Team. Qualified Representatives at Sapphire and above can qualify for a Matching Bonus on all Unilevel Earnings of all Representatives with the 1st four levels in their Personal Enrollment Tree.
Organo Gold rewards the development of leaders in depth. A Generation begins when a Qualified Sapphire or higher is found in any leg of your Personal Enrollment Tree. This bonus consists of Representatives in your Personal Enrollment Tree, down unlimited depths. Organo Gold will pay as many as four generations of Sapphires or above in a leg based on your rank. As your rank increases (Sapphire to Diamond), so does the number of generations on which you can be paid a Generational Bonus.
7. Global Bonus Pool:
Leadership and Service have its Ultimate Reward. This bonus is allocated in direct proportion to one’s contribution to the total Unilevel CV. This encourages low volume participants to work with their sponsors and build their Organo Gold business thanks to the rewarding Global Bonus Pool payouts. This rewards High Volume Leaders to reach beyond their dreams and continue to building the company and their future
* information gather from company's website. For more detailed information visit :
The entire
world is abuzz as to why Organo Gold is getting popular so quickly in a short
space of time
People has been spreading the good news that product taste good, make them feel great and lose weight. The secret is not in the product itself
although we use the best coffee beans on the market in our products. The secret
lies in the 4000 year old Chinese herb GanodermaLucidum. Its rank the
highest of all herbs by Chinese medical professional. Being a Jamaican I
scoffed, I know we have the best herb although it’s illegal, ganja. So I set
out to prove these Chinese medical professional wrong. I went to my trusted good
old faithful friend for medical research, Pub Med. I research which has the
better medicinal value and was blown away with the result. Ganja could not
stand up to the medicinal potency of Ganoderma Lucidum. I then went to Google
and I type in ganoderma, then a comma, then ANY aliment I could think of, there
were millions of research done on any
aliment i could think of! Seriously try it!
So what is this ganoderma and where has
it been all this time.
In Cantonese, “Lingzhi or
Reishi”, is the name for one form of the mushroom Ganoderma Lucidum. It enjoys
an honourable place in Asia, where it has been used as a medicinal mushroom in
traditional Chinese medicine for more than 4,000 years. In China it’s known as
the “Miraculous King of Herbs”. The scientific name "Ganoderma" is
derived from the Ancient Greek "bright shiny skin". The word “Lingzhi”,
in Chinese, means "herb of spiritual potency" and has also been
"mushroom of immortality" It
was reserved for royalty only and if the ordinary citizen were found with it
they would be put to death.
It has been known to : Oxygenates the body Provide more energy and vigour Natural body detoxification Support quality of sleep Support circulation Support the immune system Promotes health and longevity
With well over 150 antioxidant and phytonutrients ganoderma luciduim is the closest thing to nutritional
perfection found in nature
Now there are
many companies around the world attempting to harvest Ganoderma but BEFORE
you purchase Ganoderma there are a few simple things things you need to
know so you do not get fooled by cheaper imitations or artificial Gannoderma.
Take a few seconds here to understand the difference between Natural Log
Harvested Ganoderma and Plastic
Bag Harvested Ganoderma.
Now most Ganoderma available around the world is the “Plastic Bag” variety and you need to know Natural
Log Harvested Ganoderma is MUCH more potent and effective
because it is harvested in accordance to the laws of pure Nature… if you can
find a 100% Certified OrGanic Log Harvested Ganoderma, well you may have
just hit the biggest jackpot in your lifetime! -
Up until December 2010 I had no clue on the power of the coffee industry. All I knew was that as a Jamaican we had the best coffee in the world, Blue mountain coffee and it’s a protected crop. That was enough for me because I did not drink coffee. The second Sunday in January of 2011 as I step out of church (a sign from above?) I got a call from a friend that said I should come up to his friend house to have a look at an opportunity. I went. There is was revealed to me the magnitude of the coffee industry. First I was told that the investment would be in coffee. I scoffed. I think to myself coffee is protected. Then I was told that the powerful Jamaican coffee board approved Organo Gold to bring coffee into Jamaica. I was shocked! Over 500 applications was turned down by the coffee board to carry coffee into the island what was so special about this coffee. They told me It is infused with the ancient Chinese herb which is so potent it’s was reserved for royalty. So now I am told coffee is now healthy! (Google ganoderma, follow by a comma then any aliment you can think of) I was also informed that coffee is the most consumed beverage after water (thought it was coke) and the most traded commodity on the market after oil! WOW! 400 billion cups are consumed everyday around the world. That’s over 4500 cups per second! A 9 billion dollar industry. Coffee was around centuries before and it will be around after I pass from this world. Coffee is drank in every country in the world and not matter the language barrier if you ask for coffee that is what you will get…coffee! Now with all that information I also add in my mind at the also addicted! My host Mr. Joseph Wilson Diamond of the year 2010, the man responsible to bringing this coffee to Jamaica, said what we are doing at Organo Gold is simple. We are NOT in the selling game. People are already drinking coffee our job is to expose our brand of healthy coffee by sampling it and let the product do the work. He then looked me in the eyes and said “listen brother this is big and you need to get in now” I was 75% sold; I think I am from the clan of doubtful “Thomas”. What got me was that I was told that they had just sign off to team with blue mountain coffee. WHAT! You mean the best coffee in the world was on this healthy coffee movement??
If you’re the best you stand alone to protect your brand and integrity. If the powerful Jamaican coffee board can open its door to Organo Gold to sell coffee in Jamaica and then said lets partner with you in this joint venture to have a ganoderma infuse in a special brand of blue mountain coffee, then I am in! Success leaves clues! Microsoft missed me, google missed me and also apple BUT Organo Gold Healthy coffee movement not missing me!
Focus is another key to
success which we tend to ignore. We human often believe that we can be focus
without even trying, which is only true to a few of us. Focus takes practice
and a complete overhaul of our thought process. In most case it has to be “forced”.
As a youngster I was captivated by horse racing and at first I thought blinkers
where just a way to brand the horse meaning to show which stables he is from.
NOT SO! I understand that it was a means of “force focus” apply to the horse by
its owner so that they are not easily distracted by the other horses in the
race. He is force by this device to only look straight ahead and not to the
side where he can lose focus and thereby momentum. I also learn that another form
of “force focus” was gelding the horse. A brutish form of “force focus where by
the owner in his wisdom feel that the stallion is highly sex and only run fast
enough to be close behind the filly and thus cannot win a once a filly is present. Gelding is a process where the horse is
castrated. It’s said that this “force focus” works although I have no data to
prove this.
So what about us human? Blinkers and castration are definitely not for us...I
hope. The tried and proven method is to over haul our mind by changing our thought
thereby changing how we think. With the constant distraction in our society it’s
a difficult task but not an impossible one. It won’t happen overnight but a persistent
and consistent effort will get the job done. When you have accomplished this NOTHING
can distract you from the definite purpose you have sent out to accomplish. We
are human and yes we have to respond and react to our environment but you will
quickly deal with whatever distraction that may come your way and refocus on
the job at hand. One of my favourite author James Ward sums up best, the power
of our thought and by extension our mind “humanity surges with uncontrolled passion, is
Tumultuous with ungoverned grief, is blown about by anxiety and doubt. Only the
Wise man, only he whose thoughts are controlled and purified, makes the winds and
the storms of the soul obey him."
So don’t let disappointment and other
distraction get the better of you. Yes you have to react at times. But a
trained mind will recover in short order
When i decided to come a part of the MLM community i was a bit timid because of what people would say. I was however not wearing my emotional hat at the time when the opportunity was shown to me. After 2 weeks of telling the people about my healthy coffee business i have friends running up to me asking how much money i have made already. I am thinking to my self...really? I had to tell them each time they ask during the next 3 month that i am in the "C.O.F.F.E.E " business the "legalized" drug with "GANODERMA" not "GANJA-DERMA" ( Ganja is an illegal drug for which Jamaica is associated with and is very profitable). Here in lies my point, ever since i have known myself, the only activity that generate riches on any scale so quickly 9 times out of 10 is illegal! We all know that to build the regular brick & mortar business typically takes 4-5 year before you realize a profit. As the previous years is to keep afloat while trying to cover your initial investment. The main reason why people fail in business is under capitalization and lack of persistency. Organo Gold ask distributor plug into our tried and proven system for 18 month and you will see a change in your lifestyle. The fact however is most people lack persistency even though is the single most important act one can do to grow ones business. Whenever i get down because my business is not doing the volume i want to see i turn to the good bible to build my faith and draw inspiration.
Luke 18: 1-8 is about the persistent widow. There was a judge that fear neither man or God and this widow use to go to him asking "render a just decision for me against my adversary" For a long time he was unwilling. But the widow was persistent. Eventually the judge said " While is true i fear neither man nor God,because the widow keep bothering me i shall delivered a just decision" Jesus who was telling the story said " Pay attention to what the judge said. Will not God then secure the rights of his chosen one who call out to him day and night? Will he be slow to answer them? I tell you, he will see to it that justice is done for them speedily"
Apart from that story in the bible i also use this quote i picked up along the way "The secret of PERSEVERANCE. Falling hurts the BODY, QUITTING hurts the SOUL. NEVER let anything or anyone hold you back from your destiny" I demand of myself PERSISTENT and continuous action toward becoming successful in ORGANO GOLD.
How do we get people to change the way they think? This has been the never ending question posed by religious men and politicians from the beginning of time. Fear is the single most hindrance to men. Fears closed and cloud your thought process, causing you to make illogical decision. This is even when the decision is as easy as 123. But why is this so? How could you get wrong, easy simple decision? Take for example the crucifixion; two thieves were with Jesus at his last moment on earth. One thief (the dumbest man in history) mocked Jesus saying “save yourself and us”. The other thief (the luckiest man in history) saw the perfect opportunity (talk about being in the right place at the right time) to make right his sinful deed. “Have you no fear of God?, we committed our crime and we are getting our just reward, he has done no wrong” then he turn to Jesus and said “father remember me when you go into your kingdom” “surly you will be with me in my kingdom” replied Jesus. What did the first thief have to lose at that stage? How did he make such a dumb stupid decision? Why did he not the seize the moment like the other thief?
Here is another opportunity, let’s see who will seize the moment and make what I will show you, such a easy decision. Coffee is a legalized drug, which people are hopelessly addicted to; it’s consumed by the mass at a rate of over 4500 cups per second. It’s the most consumed beverage after water (because you need water to make coffee) and the most traded commodity after oil. It is pronounced the same way in every country, it was before us and it will be after us. It’s a 9 Billion dollar industry. All major Fast food chain are all involved in the “coffee war”. We all know that coffee is unhealthy because it lowers the ph balance and cause jitters and crash. What if we could manage to make this highly consumable product healthy? Organo Gold did just that by infusing the 4000 year old Chinese king of herb, ganoderma into their coffee without affecting its taste or scent. Distributor job has never been this easy. You don’t have to convince people to drink coffee; they are already doing so and are addicted to it! The distributor only job is to expose the coffee by sampling the product (a master stroke by Organo gold management to package the coffee in a sachet sample format) and watch as people keep coming back for a healthier version of their favourite beverage. Life does not get any easier than this!Organo Gold compensation package is among the best in the MLM industry. Organo gold is only in 13 countries, where most people still have not heard of this healthy coffee movement and it’s drank in every country in the world! This is what investors call GROUND LEVEL investment. But how many of the mass will see this opportunity? My bet is some will see it, but most wont! If you see this healthy coffee movement as the perfect opportunity then your in the right place at the right time. Click on the web link below for the pathway to health and wealth. One of my favourite motivational speaker tell how he took advantage of his opportunity. see video below
Malcolm X said over 40 years ago "We have been had,hoodwinked,bamboozled." Sad to say it has continued today. 3% of the population earn 97% of the wealth,while the other 97% of the population fight for the remainding 3% " Hostile tribes fighting over scarce benefits and spoils" thats how former prime minister P.J.Patterson described it. Question: Isnt the same God who made the 3 % at the top made the other 97% at the bottom? Did he gave those at the top more brain cells? Or were we created equally? The God i worship said he created us equally and i believe him! So i did a detail study of the problem and came up with the solution.
The majority of the population (the 97%) took what the law called judicial precedent from the court rooms and applied it to our everyday lives. We were brought up to get a good education,get a good job,and the company will look after us during our retirement because that what our parents and grandparents did.This is what the expert call the 40/40/40 rule. You work for 40 hours per day, work for 40 years and retire on 40% on your income. No wonder we are all broke! We can hardly survive on 100% of our pay as we speak. Then we have a evil monster call INFLATION! This guy never sleeps, never stops, he eat away at our earning day by day. What we have today in the bank is worth less a year later. Yet we save for our retirement? We must be crazy we all need to WAKE UP! Its not working! Time to find another system. Which by the way is a acroynm for Save Yourself Some Time Energy & Money
What if you drove your dream car to the shop because it did not feel right and the mechanic said "you have been driving on 1 cylinder" Surely you would have it sold or fixed. So why have you been operating on 1 cylinder all our life? Most of what we accomplished so far in our lives has bee through "Our Own Effort" go to school,passing exams after exams,working hard with little or no appreciation. AGE is another monsterthat is running us down, its just a matter of time before we just cant go no more. We have limited time in this universe. The 3% at the top has the 5 cylinder secret to wealth. 1 Your own effort. 2. Other people effort. 3. Other people time. 4. Other people money. 5. Other people idea. See if you can find all the 5 in the paragraph/video below.
Coffee is a legalized drug that millions of people around the world are hopelessly addicted to,some can't even start their day without a cup. What if you offer these people a healthy alternative coffee? - the most consumable beverage after water and the most traded commodity after oil. Organo Gold is only 2 year old and is only in 10 countries,still virtually unknown. Why not position yourself in a young company that is selling a healthy version of coffee? People stand in line for long period to pay up to US$5 per cup. (Thanks STAR BUCK for making this socially acceptable) Check the video links below for detail business opportunity.
So i have given you the 5 cylinder of success that the 3 % who control 97% of the wealth has been using for years. The main one being "Other people effort" all so known as leverage. Stop procrastinating with your future and act now!. Remember the two eye monster of INFLATION and AGE never sleeps!
Its never too late to be the person you want to be.Lets have a discussion on where you are and where you NEED to go: